Saturday 27 December 2003


Online Journalism Review : Online mediji u 2003., 2004.?.

Amero - centricni pogleda na tu problematiku ali vrlo dobar indikator i pregled onoga sto dolazi i u drugim krajevima svijeta.
Neki zanimljivi izvodi iz teksta Marka Glasera:

Weblogovi su u 2003 presli iz privatne u javnu sferu, veliki mediji su poceli prihvacati nove koncepte
Now a month doesn't go by without another media company announcing new Weblogs -- Fast Company,,, Wired magazine, New York magazine.

Zasto su oni postali tako popularni i ponegdje utjecajni ?

"The content management applications known as blogware greatly simplified the complexity of publishing online, allowing almost anyone easily to publish online. Just as how a million monkeys using typewriters will produce some bits of Shakespeare, three million humans using blogware produced a few hundreds sites worth regular reading.

Nisu blogovi popularni samo u zapadnim zemljama. Malo je poznato da je drugi jezik po brojnosti blogera u blogosferi- iranski. Poznati su neki problemi na relaciji blogovi i medijske slobode .

But much more significant is the Weblog revolution that has occurred in Iran and now Iraq. In Iran, one person -- Hossein Derakhshan at -- inspired up to 100,000 countrymen to start blogging, allowing them to discuss forbidden topics and spread their stories around the world, putting pressure on the mullahs' regime. Even the president of Iran acknowledges the movement.

U kombinaciji weblogova i mobilnih telefona sa kamerom dogodili su se zanimljivi eksperimenti ?

"BBC News Correspondent Richard Bilton and Cameraman Manny Panaretos used a third-generation (broadband) mobile phone to report broadcast-quality live coverage of a news event. No longer will broadcast correspondents have to lug videocameras and satellite dishes for on-the-spot reporting." -- Vin Crosbie

Pa onda sto ce se moze pokusati predvidjeti za 2004. godinu ?

"Some mainstream news organization will likely find a way to bring a 'rock star' blogger into the organization or somehow find a way to embrace the most powerful of the new journalistic voices emerging on the Web. This will be part of a longstanding pattern, where news organizations bring the best of the Web into their operations." -- Lee Rainie

Sto napraviti s tim prokletim amaterima koji si malo previse umisljaju i igraju se would be novinara ?

"I think more and more non-journalists will commit, as JD Lasica puts it, 'random acts of journalism.' Weblogs and picture phones have whetted the content-generation appetites of a whole generation of amateur reporters. I suspect news companies eventually will realize the appeal of non-journalists' content -- it's more interesting because it's more real -- and unsuccessfully attempt to get in on the action. Then, if amateur journalism really catches on, it's inevitable that news companies will try to reinvent themselves as 'the information providers you've always trusted.' Such a fundamental shift in thinking probably couldn't happen in only a year, but I think we're already ankle-deep into this chain of events." -- Adrian Holovaty, lead developer for the Lawrence (Kan.) Journal-World Web site

Sto s onim prokletim RSS-om ( really simple syndication) ?

The maturation and increased visibility of RSS as an alternative to a plagued e-mail publishing environment. This is still in its infancy, but RSS should evolve into an e-publishing technology that eventually is on a par with e-mail and the Web. It's still got plenty of rough edges, but once Microsoft builds it into Internet Explorer it should become mainstream." -- Steve Outing

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