Friday, 28 November 2003


Ovaj clanak je izvanredan za one koje voli razmisljati i promisljati o prakticnoj primjeni blog formata i funkcionalnosti ( Taj sam, to se odavno zna, sto cesto ljude zivcira, ali nemogu si pomoci ).
Briljantni intervju sa Johnom Patrickom, bivsim visoko pozicioniranom korporativnim sluzbenikom u tvrtki IBM. ( u mirovini vec dvije godine ). Ovaj sjedokosi postariji gospodin apsolutno kuzi novi vrli svijet blogova ( i sam ga pise ), u kombinaciji sa RSS readerima i opcenito o novim inovativnim tehnologijama ( s naglaskom na internetskim tehnologijama ). U ovom razgovoru on u detalje objasnjava kako se ti koncepti posve primjenjivi u poduzecima ( srednje velikim i onim velikim ).

Rekli bismo, objasnjava sintagmu BUSINESS BLOGGING. Toliko bi toga moglo se citirati iz toga teksta.
Super bi bilo kad bi netko od odgovornih i u Hrvatskoj mogao shvatiti te rijeci i koliko bi te " stvarcice " mogle pomoci nasim hrvatskim poduzecima kao rjesenja za eksternu i internu komunikaciju u tvrtkama. To bi bila metoda "zabljeg skoka " za mnoge kompanije jer bi uz vrlo jeftina rjesenja mogli svoje IT procese, komunikacije i odredjene procese uvesti vrlo jeftino i vrlo rapidno. Hoce me netko za konzultanta :)) U nekim tvrtkama doista nema potrebe uvoditi skupi i glomazni sustav kao sto je Lotus Domino Notes.
Izvaditi cu , koje se meni cine, kljucne detalje iz tog razgovora u eWeek magazinu. Bez prevoda na Hrvatski.

Nije rijec o nekom bezveznjaku bez radnog iskustva, ili neki menedjercic-balavander iz neke mlade kompanije nego:
One of the leading Internet visionaries, Patrick is quoted frequently in the global media and speaks at dozens of conferences around the world.

John tvrdi da je uvodjenje blog formata u korporativno i poslovno okruzje NEIZBJEZNO:

So it's inevitable, perhaps, that businesses are going to be affected by this new Internet medium. Indeed, at some corporations, blogs are already being created and shared, many under the radar of top corporate managers. Their promise, says Patrick: to tap into expertise among far-flung locations and enable information-sharing with partners, suppliers and customers about everything from business problems to new-product musings

Ipak, jasno je da ce skeptika i ignoranata uvijek biti koji ce istupati s onom trdnjom "pa sto je sada tu novoga , kaj nismo to imali do sada, imamo Geocities, web za svakoga, imamo Lotus Domino za korporativnu kolaboraciju...i slicno. Imamo, ali...

I think a lot of times people see something come along and they say, "What's the big deal? We had that in 1972,"—like knowledge management or artificial intelligence. When instant messaging started, a lot of people said, "oh, this is no biggie. We had this on the mainframe in the 1960s." It's true—we did. But what makes IM different is that now we have the Internet—the widespread sharing of information. That allows for collaboration, it allows for a global effort. So it spawns many more ideas, it allows a new thought to take off like wildfire.

Kako on uopce razmislja o weblogovima ?

I like to think of blogging as a new way to communicate. And there are many ways to think about this. Some people like to say this enables everybody to be a publisher. In fact, a lot of people said that about the Web back in 1994 and 1995—that it's a document-publishing phenomenon and that now, everybody can publish. In theory, that was true—but only if you knew HTML and if you knew how to set up a Web server and a lot of other ifs. What's new with blogging is that anybody can do it.

Pa , dobro ako je to tako korisno napraviti u odredjenim momentima i na mjestima na kojima ima smisla zasto onda korporativni CIO-si ( chief information officers) i drugu decision -makeri ne prihvacaju te nove koncepte ? Jedno od ocitih odgovora je da su oni pod velikim pritiskom zadnjih godina kada su budjeti za IT bili znacajno smanjeni i kada je bila strategija " ucini vise s onim malo sto imas ". A i dio je razlog zbog toga sto oni zive u svojim "korporativnim kulama od pleksiglasa" i ne vide sto dolazi inovativnog s "ruba". Tipicna korporativna inercija.

In the mid-1990s, some businesses embraced the Internet quickly while others waited to see where it would lead. Some, like the music industry, still seem to be waiting. Blogging is at that same early stage
There are millions of people who are experts at certain things, have a point of view and are good communicators
Right now, there's an immediate negative reaction to blogs by CIOs because they're viewed as simply adding more to the in-box.
It's not surprising. They're all getting budget pressure. They've got huge security issues. They've got skills issues. And they've got strategic pressures from the lines of business and the CEOs pushing them to do more with less. So they don't have time to keep up with what's going on outside, much less to consider the implications.

Svjedocanstvo o jednom zanimljivom slucaju:

One technical guy at IBM whom I've known for many years, a distinguished engineer, told me that blogs are now his No. 1 source of technical information. That was about a year ago that he told me that, and I was taken aback. That's a pretty profound statement. If you're a CIO, you can look at blogging as a disruptive pain in the neck that's just for kids or egomaniacs who want to write about their hobbies. Or you can say, wait a minute, this is a new channel and a new form of communication that can improve productivity within IT and across the whole company and we should be very open-minded in the way we look at this

Pa , mnogi iz poslovnih sustava, ada im pricate o blogovima i RSS sindikaciji sadrzaja spominju svoje INTRANET-e , koji su njima "bog i batina ". Iako su vazni i nezamjenjivi u takvim sustavima oni su jos uvijek neefikasni, i bez ostvarenog potencijala koji bi realno mogli donjeti kompaniji s obzirom na produktivnost, ekonomicnost i inovacije. IBM je to shvatio iako je upravo njihov proizvod Lotus Domino Notes .

Today, employees have their intranets, but the intranet is the data dumpster. Everything is there but you can't find what you want. Much of the content is old and no longer relevant. What employees want is a current view on a topic. They want to find what the experts are thinking so they can leverage that experience.
Corporate blogs will become the source. Companies will also use blogging to share their news and views with their customers and suppliers. IBM already has nearly 100 blog feeds of news unique to countries around the world. IBM is embracing blogging in various ways, including participating in the development and evolution of the standards for blogging to ensure that it can continue to flourish for all.

Pa kako dovraga onda tvrtke mogu upotrijebiti blogove u svojim sustavima ? Onako tocno u praksi...

Create a blog central, which might be On that Web page can be a list of the blogs of the experts or the representatives of those experts organized by subjects important to the company—metallurgy and Linux and CRM and so forth.
They might find relevant information or links to other resources they didn't know about. And, sure, you might have found it on Google, but you might not have, because the relationship between the problem you're working on and the Web page that's got the answer wasn't obvious.
Some have asked whether there's a role for customers, and there probably is a role for both intranet and extranet blogging

I onda zakljucak Johna Paricka o tome kuda sve to ide u buducnosti ? Naravno, nece ici sve glatko i bez klasicnih problema oko sigurnosti, spama, hackera i slicno ali stvar je obecavajuca. I sigurno je da za te stvari nece moci biti primjenjiva strategija "one size fits all " nit je takav svijet obecan bas svima.
Sjetimo se samo pocetaka weba , interneta. Treaba li danas neka mesnica, pekara imati web stranice na internetu ? Ima li to ikakve svrhe za njihov posao ? Jasno da nema. Ali za kompaniju kao npr. IBM blogovi imaju smisla. Taj pristup ce pomoci da se onda s vremenom stvari smisleno struktuiraju i " uvezu". Npr, da su uvezani koncepti bloga, RSS ( XML ) i recom WIKI stranica u nekom social networkin okruzenje. E to vec ima onda nekog smisla.

I think we'll see blogging become the first derivative of the Web. It takes the Web to a higher level. It allows for more effective communications and sharing of information in a very structured way. So it will enable millions of people to infuse their points of view into the knowledge stream, a kind of massive enrichment of knowledge.

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