Monday 7 April 2003


Danasnje izvjesce i analiza ruskih obavjestajnih struktura o dogadjanjima oko napada na Irak anglo-americkih snaga .

Rusi su danas posebno ljuti zbog otvorene paljbe na konvoj kojim se evakuirala ruska ambasada iz Bagdada. Americke snage se gomilaju oko Bagdada i vode borbe na zapadnom dijelu grada.
Rusi kazu da su ameri uspjeli jucer takticki iznenaditi iracane dubinskim prodorom u dubinu Bagdadskih predgradja

According to the most recent data the rush of the coalition forces toward to the southern borders of Baghdad, though expected by the Iraqi command, was tactically surprise. Hidden in the interiors of the city, parts of the Iraqi army were unable to leave their covered positions, advance and face the enemy. There arouse confusion that led to disorganization of the Iraqi squadrons that engaged their rivals “on the move”, without proper reconnaissance and concentration of forces. According to specified information in different conflicts and during the assault of the airport up to 400 Iraqi soldiers were killed, 25 tanks and 12 guns were lost.

Nije ni amerima bilo lako zauzimati bagdadski aerodrom pa su pretrpili gubitke od 40 ljudi , 80 ranjenih, 15 nestalih u akciji uz 8 izgubljenih tenkova.

Americans tolls at the south and south-east of Baghdad for the last 24 hours amount to: up to 30 men killed and at least 80 wounded, 15 soldiers are known to be missing. The Americans lost at least 8 tanks and 5 APC.

Tako kazu ruske obavjestajne strukture koje su svih ovih dana vrlo tocno izvjestavale o dogadjanjima na terenu.

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