Tuesday 26 October 2004

Today, I am in a great mood for bashing the president of the United States. Tadaaabooom !!
No political correctness please, no, not this time !

Yes, " lovely" George is again at the spotlight. George, God here ...
The world is watching, polls for the American elections are showing tight possible outcome, and we can't surely say who'll be the next US commander in chief.
But the world is clearly against Bush the Greatest- the candidate ;))

The world don't want american dollars as a reserve currency for their needs.
So, in the end, idealogy won't matter but economic reality and social change.
We are not there, yet. But in the meantime we should watch elections parade.
I am guessing, this year US election could be as well decided in the court after the process called RECOUNT.

The old ( and silly) US electoral system is in a tight race poised for another scandal .

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