Sunday 25 January 2004


Ovo bi sigurno zanimalo mog prijatelja s odsluzenja vojske - Mijica, dipl. arheologa. U koritu rijeke Cetine u Hrvatskoj britanski i slovenski arheolozi pronasli su najznacajnije arheolosko mjesto u posljednjih 50 godina. Nemam pojma o arheologiji ali citam na netu da je to dost vazno otkrice. Rijec je o stvarima iz broncanog doba ( oko 6000 godina prije Krista )

Items recovered from the river include more than 90 swords, a Roman legionnaire's dagger complete with sheath, more than 30 Greco-Illyrian helmets, plus numerous items of jewellery, axes and spearheads.

It is believed a large number of objects were thrown into River Cetina deliberately, possibly as offerings to gods. Initial surveys of the site indicate that the remarkable finds span a period of history from 6,000 BCE onwards.
These include 33m long timbers, clearly visible from the riverbank, which show evidence of late Neolithic or early Bronze Age wooden settlements. Project leader Dr Vincent Gaffney, director of the university's Institute for Archaeology and Antiquity, said:

"The Cetina Valley is certainly the most remarkable site that I have, and will ever, have the privilege of being involved in. As the majority of the Cetina Valley site is waterlogged, the level of preservation is quite exceptional. I believe this to be one of the most important archaeological wetlands in Europe."

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