Monday 26 April 2004


Mirovinitzky i ja smo jucer malo razgovarali o knjizi "Stoljece rata".
William Engdahl je napisao tu vrlo provokativnu knjigu koja objasnjava neke kriticne trenutke ljudske povijesti zadnjih par stoljeca i kako je vrlo vazno pitanje globalnih energetskih resursa bilo uzrok mijenjanja toka povijesti.

I onda sam nasao clanak William Engdahla koji govori o kontekstu i mogucoj pozadini riskantne americke vanjske politike. Ponovno on polazi od premise da je rijec o borbi za puteve globalne dobave nafte.

I skroz dobro pojasnjava stanje sa globalnim energetskim resursima. Sad mi je postao jasniji taj termin "Peak Oil ".
Cini se da je stanje dramaticnije nego sto si to drustvo zeli priznati. A Dick Cheney izgleda zna to jako dobro.

Once the peak is past however, the decline can become very rapid. Past the peak, there is still oil, but each barrel becomes more difficult to exploit, and more costly, as internal well pressures decline or other problems make recovery more expensive for each barrel. The oil is there but not at all easy to extract. The cost of each barrel past peak is increasingly higher as artificial means are employed to extract it. After a certain point it becomes uneconomical to continue to try to extract this peak oil.
Because most oil companies and agencies such as the US Department of Energy speak not of peak oil, but of total reserves, the world has a false sense of energy supply security. The truth is anything but secure.

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