Saturday 4 December 2004

Bad business-to-business app for web tenders

In today's Dnevnik business newspapers I saw an article about croatian B2B web service for tenders ( matching buyers and sellers for the products and service of smaller value , more than 5.000,oo kuna).
It's called OPEN ( in croatian : Oglasnik privatne nabave.)

I said, "wow" ! I thought for a while, "finally !!". But after I opened Open page / I was dissapointed. It's not properly executed and is a good laugh for me.
I am not making fool out of this service, just I am dissapointed. We can't here in Croatia make decent business web application. Shame !

After digging more deeper trough sidebar links I found out that aformentioned service is offered by the press cliping agency Briefing.

Oh, and Briefieng doesn't seem to understand living web around blogger's buzz and writing and their importance to properly service their clients. RSS is for their freelance contractors unknown and uncharted territory. But that-s another story...
As far as I can tell according to my sources.
Still, web service made by Briefing is good idea ( immature still ) but very bad executed. Just look at the user interface ( can you see login button immediatly ? )
Look at the carefully and marketing naive wording...

There are several legal constraints regarding web tenders services. First, they can't be legally offered for the companies from public sector ( where the biggest pie is , remember Narodne Novine), and second, it lacks know-how in Croatia for this service. Awareness , too !
One can argue about the second, but I believe it's the case.

Have I mentioned that press cliping agency Briefieng doesn't grasp online sources as a real-time generator of news and buzz of interest to their clients ? :)) My guess!
Ah, old-fashioned press clipping agency :) "Do you know what other write about you, your products and services on the living web ? " :P

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