Monday, 18 October 2004

Rojo's way of navigating web

Since yesterday I've been playing with the new web service Rojo. It's web based RSS news reader with social netwoking features included and the reputational system possibilities.

Nice thing , but so far have no definitive conclusion.
I'll work on it in days to come.

Above all, would like to thank Thomas for the invitation . Rojo is fresh web service, still in beta , and works invitation-only.
I can give few invitation to those who would like to have it.

This service is still fresh, having in mind it's only few days ago announced during one of the sessions held for Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog googling for Rojo invitations. If you still have one you could part with, would you mind sending it this way? thinksimilar [at] gmail [dot] com

Thanks :)