Friday, 29 October 2004

Little James Bonds

Few weeks ago there was a story in croatian papers about british secret agents ( MI6) exposed in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia.
It's those little secret spy "power games" that foreign secret services are doing here in the Balkan to gain infuence and promote interest of their country. But they were trapped into conflict.

MI6?s over-riding objective is to protect and promote British economic and political interests in the face of greater economic penetration by its rivals. The Croatian Embassy in the US reports, for example, that the US, Germany and Austria each invested approximately one billion US dollars in Croatia between 1993?2000, whilst Britain invested only $US102 million.

Is there a need to say that some of the most wanted criminals charged for war crimes in the Balkan wars are still on the large despite all these services operating in the region .
A lack of political will ?

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